Has anyone ever taken Modafinil/Armodafinil and Amphetamines simultaneously?

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Has anyone ever taken Modafinil/Armodafinil and Amphetamines simultaneously?

Post by Ghodred45

I've been having this crippling crash every day for months. I've described to my neurologist several times how it feels like my face is melting and I'm being burned alive. She was surprised because medication crashes should not be so severe. I've tried everything, including taking lower/higher dosages at different times of day, with/without food, and so on. I tried Adderall, Vyvanse, and am now taking Dexedrine.
However, I've recently concluded that the problem is caused by Armodafinil and these amphetamines combined. My crashes always occur when the amphetamines should be at their peak. When I take Vyvanse, the crash occurs at the 5-hour mark. I take Dexedrine at the 2-hour mark. However, I can still feel them stimulating me. I feel the need to lie down and sleep, but I can't or don't sleep very well. This entire situation has driven me insane, but I believe I may have figured it out.

Is anyone else taking Modafinil/Armodafinil and Amphetamines? What is your experience?
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Re: Has anyone ever taken Modafinil/Armodafinil and Amphetamines simultaneously?

Post by Bladeshaper

I had an extremely hard time waking up and starting my day when I was taking vyvanse in the morning at 70mg doses. even with my current medication (modafinol and wellbutrin) I feel like I only have a few hours in the day that I am actually awake for. some days I sleep really poorly and I have constant brain fog. it really sucks
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Re: Has anyone ever taken Modafinil/Armodafinil and Amphetamines simultaneously?

Post by Keralore

Modafinil unfortunately didn't have any effect on me. I was switched to 200mg Armodafinil and then increased to 250mg. It was working but only for a very short time and so we added Modafinil back in as a booster. Since then, the Modafinil has been switched to Adderall, then Vyvanse, now Dexedrine. We also added Bupropion XL but that has had no effect on me either.
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