Is there cross tolerance between reversible and irreversible maois?

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Is there cross tolerance between reversible and irreversible maois?

Post by Thetalmeena

Irreversible maois permanently blocks the enzyme action from decreasing monoamine transmitters like norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, and other lesser amine examples until cells make new enzymes. Reversible maois, also known as RIMA, means that over time monoamine oxidase enzymes will be able to function again as their covalently bound molecules are detached; thus being able to facilitate functionality again.

I'm specifically referring to the mechanism of the monoamine oxidase enzyme.

In this regard, would a Reversible & Irreversible Maoi have cross tolerance?
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Re: Is there cross tolerance between reversible and irreversible maois?

Post by Ghodred45

I think it's unlikely unless you take some really high dosage. Things like tranylcypromine are quite a lot more potent than RIMAs are.
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Re: Is there cross tolerance between reversible and irreversible maois?

Post by Whiteeye52

It would depend on which specific medication or substance you’re talking about. For instance I just spent a minute googling selegeline pregulation, Mao induction and other keywords and couldn’t find anything.

I’ve been taking selegeline for a couple weeks now and wouldn’t describe much of a tolerance forming perceptually. I never experienced one with 9mebc either.

So the science would be ambiguous at best but practically it’s not something I think about.

Do you have any specific substances In mind?
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